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26 November 2011

Thanksgiving feast - SUCCESS!

Cathey, Emily and I were in charge of preparing the Thanksgiving meal this year!  After some arguments over who was sticking their hand in the turkey to pull out the gizzards and such, we pulled off what we considered to be a very successful Thanksgiving feast!  We even got to talk to Mark and hear about his Thanksgiving meal, which made the day even better!

Thanks Daddy, so thoughtful! :)

Everyone claims that a little alcohol made the meal taste good - jerks. ;)

Brent and Cathey are waiting on their furniture, so we had plenty of space to play!!

Daddy being forced to take a pic during the football game!

First Thanksgiving in their new home as Mr & Mrs Bowling!

Brent's head got cut off but I love Monkey making his getaway here!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you did an awesome job cooking! You little 'susie homemakers'! :)

    We missed y'all!
