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30 September 2010

My Baby is ONE!!!

SO excited it's his birthday - and LOVED me singing "Happy Birthday" to him!!

Fun at the pumpkin patch!

Searching for the new toy from Mimi & Papa!

It's exhausting being the birthday boy!
Happy Birthday to my PERFECT little guy!!!

Monkey Adventures

Sharing his milk with Maddie!

Tons of new bday toys, and tupperware is the ONLY thing that makes him happy!

22 September 2010

Ethan's First Birthday!

Thanks to amazing family and friends, Ethan had THE BEST 1st birthday!!  A VERY special thank you to Aunt Kristin who took pictures all weekend and is hardly in any of them - I love you!! 

12 September 2010

Busy Day of Play!

Maddie, get up, it's time to play!
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The sneak attack on Maddie!

Absolute Exhaustion!

After being up since 6am, he FINALLY fell asleep - while eating lunch!! :)