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03 June 2011

Dr. Beam!

My little sister is officially a Dr, although she's still annoying to me and living off me...can't wait until she starts her job! :)  Awesome pictures of her special day taken by one of our own, Kristin Beam (kristinbeamphotography.com)!!
Dr. Beam

The girls with Dr. Beam - good looking group!

The Beam kids!

All of the Beam kids, minus Mark. :(  He was excited with us though!

Mom & Dad with Cat

Best friends!

Brent with his doctor!

We took this same pic at Cat's graduation for her bachelor's degree...can't break tradition!

The Beam fam

Matt & Cat

Cat & Brian

Me & Cat

The Beam girls!

Hehe...love this pic...Dr. Beam is a cowboy at heart!

Mom & Cat

Dad w/ the Doc!

Wild monkey on the loose!

We couldn't resist! :) Kristin was less than thrilled to take this pic!

Ethan refused to ride in the stroller, just wanted to help push it!

...and had a breakdown when the stroller stopped...oh toddlers!

Soon to be Mr & Mrs Bowling!

I have some good looking sisters!!!

Ethan with his Poppy!

Enjoying campus

I present to you...Dr. Catherine Beam!!!

...and cue the emotional breakdown from Mom!

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