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27 November 2011

Santa Claus!

This year we visited Santa at Bass Pro early to avoid long lines, and Ethan LOVED him!  He got to spend a lot of time sitting on Santa's lap telling him all about CARS - he even brought some along to show Santa! :)  We're going back to see Santa again, just to remind him of our wish list. ;) 

Uncle Matt teaching him how to drive the train!

26 November 2011

Thanksgiving feast - SUCCESS!

Cathey, Emily and I were in charge of preparing the Thanksgiving meal this year!  After some arguments over who was sticking their hand in the turkey to pull out the gizzards and such, we pulled off what we considered to be a very successful Thanksgiving feast!  We even got to talk to Mark and hear about his Thanksgiving meal, which made the day even better!

Thanks Daddy, so thoughtful! :)

Everyone claims that a little alcohol made the meal taste good - jerks. ;)

Brent and Cathey are waiting on their furniture, so we had plenty of space to play!!

Daddy being forced to take a pic during the football game!

First Thanksgiving in their new home as Mr & Mrs Bowling!

Brent's head got cut off but I love Monkey making his getaway here!

Fun at the park

Poppy was trying to grab him

Maddie had fun too going down the slides

20 November 2011


I love Thanksgiving, such a fun time with family and friends and a moment to reflect on all you've been given.  I'm extremely thankful for my relationship with Christ, my husband who is there for me no matter the distance between us, family and friends that support me through everything.  This has been a year full of new challenges, but a lot of blessings have come from it; however, I will be VERY thankful to say goodbye to 2011! Here are some pictures that reflect what I'm thankful for! 

19 November 2011

Loyal & True

I stole this from Lynnsey Childress, SO proud to be a COWBOY alum!!! 

My new ride!!!

Well I finally did it, thanks to the help of my awesome Daddy I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!! It's a 2012 Ford Explorer, and it has more toys in it than I will ever be able to figure out! :)  Mark is going to have a BLAST with it!! Ethan and Maddie each have their own row of seats and their own moon roof - we're riding in style now!!  A huge shout out to my awesome husband who works so hard so that I can enjoy such nice luxuries!!!

14 November 2011

just for fun!

Thanks for helping me figure out my camera Lynns! :) 

Sweet face, complete with scratches, bruises and food! Such a boy!!!

07 November 2011

Yoda..he was!

Ethan had a blast with Halloween this year, from slinging the goo from the pumpkin to rockin' his Yoda costume!  We kept busy with lots of Halloween activities, and he wore his costume proudly! 

My baby is TWO!

It's hard to believe this little man is already 2, he's been such a blessing!  There has been a lot of craziness in our family during his first two years of life, and this resilient little guy has reminded us of why we do what we do!  I love looking at him and seeing Mark, just brings a smile to my face! :)